Race facts:
- Donaupark race a little longer due to construction work
- Virtual participants: Rachel, Riccardo, Sandeepta, Jonetta and Jake (with some elevation to spice things up!)
Cup results: Congrats runners!
Race facts:
Cup results: Congrats runners!
A bunch of motivated runners in Donaupark and a couple that joined the race virtually! Christine reports: Kudos to our VIC 10k Racers. One conquered her longest distance yet , while another returned to the racing scene after three years (:::clap emoji::: Gleb, pictured). It was sneakily hot out there – looks like it's officially shorts and t-shirt season for races!
Thank you for Donaupark pics Christine! Also Andreas sent us pics from his beautiful 10k course around Zeller See!
Note for Donaupark racers: With the construction work ongoing in the park, the course is likely close to 70-80m over 10k now.
VIC Games results (Click to expand):