

Autumn Mile (Mile No. 80)

Thank you to Matthew who showed us how to properly warm up before a race. Stephen had liked his farewell run two weeks ago so much that he showed up for another one today before leaving to Brussels. "Charlie" Chayama joined the IAEA again and did his first run with us after more than 10 years - welcome back !

2nd IAG Qualification Run (Mile No. 76)

The old saying "they never come back" certainly does not apply for the VICRunners - Peter Grimsditch (former UNOV and IAEA staff member) is here on a visit from Geneva and joined us again after almost 9 years.
Welcome to Nicole, Wasan and Chris who took part for the first time today and hopefully are not discouraged - the mile distance is very demanding and not easy to start with.
Congratulations to Julia for rank number 5 in the mile top 100 and to Alain for his only PR !

Autumn Mile (Mile No. 75)

In today's historic mile race, we saw a VR (VIC record for staff members) by newcomer Matthew, a CR (course record = best time including those of guests) by Beate and many PRs (personal records). The previous VR for men (4:46) was held by Christian CHABERT for almost 20 years, CR is 4:31 run by Hasan TARIQ in 1986. The previous best for ladies (5:53) set up by Liz ROEHRIG had held for more than 15 years.

3rd VIC Games Mile (Mile No. 74)

The number of PRs achieved shows that all team members and guests were fighting hard in this first part of the 3rd VIC Games. Quite a number of improvements in the top 100, Beate missed Liz's record by two seconds.
A close finish is to be expected for gold between IAEA and CTBTO in the men's competition. Ladies: everything is still possible.